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Great Class Challenge 2022

Attention Navy alumni! Great Class Challenge 2022 kicks off on 16 May and offers us a new chance to demonstrate the intensity of your class pride--AND a chance to have a lasting impact on the Academy and the Brigade. Last year, over 5,000 alumni showed up during the five day challenge resulting in over one million dollars for the Academy. Which class will have the greatest participation this year and really be the GOAT?

Where Can I Designate My Gift?

Your Challenge gift can support the Naval Academy Fund, a specific bucket from your class project including the Alumni Center, or one of several Naval Academy strategic priorities. The Naval Academy Fund is the most powerful and versatile way for most alumni to support the Academy and is the engine that fuels ALL Naval Academy philanthropy.

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Which Class Will Be The GOAT? Year after year the class of 1965 has maintained their number one spot in alumni participation during the Challenge but will 2022 be the year that another class finally takes that top spot? Watch the leaderboards and make a gift to prove that your class really is the GOAT. .share-info-bar { display: none !important; } .about { display: none !important; } .campaign-details { display: none !important; } .header-circle { display: none !important; } #shareWizard { z-index: 0; } .campaign-cta-container { display: none !important; } .campaign-page { z-index: 1; }

Why does the Naval Academy Foundation Raise Funds For The Naval Academy?

While the federal government provides the funds to support the Academy's general operations, a wide variety of essential programs and initiatives would not be able to reach their potential without the support of alumni, parents and other friends of the Academy--including international programs, admissions outreach, athletic excellence and the Center for Cyber Security Studies, to name just a few. Each year, the Challenge is a great opportunity to remind our alumni community that their gifts directly impact the midshipman experience, today's Naval Academy, and the future of the Fleet.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!